India 2025


Varanasi, Rishikesh & Retreat with Guruma

Receive transmission of Authentic Tantra Teacher, study with True Yoga Lineage Holders, bask in the blessings of important Shakti (Sacred Feminine) Temples, purify the past in Vedic Fire Ceremonies & integrate in Retreat with a true Guru

Spiritual Adventure curated with seasoned, grounded teachers who transmit abundance, depth & laughter

September 10- September 24

Deepest immersion into the Jewel of India

This Pilgrimage is designed to drop you into the depth of who you really are;  To elegantly decondition your body, mind and soul so that you can connect to the beauty, sweetness, and abundant nature of your truest essence.

We all know that there are many demands on us; whether man or woman, we ask a lot of ourselves. We can say it's family and society, but ultimately it is us who make decisions to be a certain way.

It is not our fault. We have much that supports us over giving, or overly sacrificing, or seeking material stability, or demands on who we should or should not be.

Yet, the path of the seeker is to go within.

Going within allows us to remove the past imprints that keep us expressing a version of ourselves that is outdated.

Going within allows us to be honest with ourselves, with compassion.

Going within allows us to remove the layers and decide who we claim to be moving forward.

Going within allows us to discover the gem of who we are.

The most direct way to make the inner transformation we want to make, is to embark on a Pilgrimage that is meticulously curated to hold you with love through this big impactful decision to express the Jewel of You.

13 days of Purification, Protection, Guidance & Blessings in the HEART of INDIA

Highlights of this 13-day Spiritual Quest:

  •  Awaken & Deepen the Shakti Within
  • Teachings of the Himalayan Sages
  • The path to inner peace & Soul fulfillment 

  •  Opening Ceremony in Delhi to ask permissions & blessings to enter into the Great Mysteries
  • Three days in Kashi/ Varanasi, the epicenter of Spirituality in India to receive spiritual transmission and guidance into key Tantric Temples
  • Four days in the jungles of Tadkeshwar in Uttarankhand to be in Retreat with Guru Sakalamaa and learn about the 10 principle Goddesses of Tantra & Secret Teachings on Shiva
  • Three days in Rishikesh, the bedrock of modern yoga. We will go deeper than most to access the secret teachings of why ancient Sages always started here & how this can serve us in our lives & stay in simple yet beautiful Ashram

We carefully curate the experience so that you are well rested, comfortable accommodations, and luxury travel and meticulous authentic spiritual teachings


Varanasi, also known as Benares or Kashi, is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world and holds immense spiritual significance, particularly in Hinduism. It is considered the holiest city for Hindus and is revered as a center of spiritual liberation, with deep historical, religious, and philosophical importance.

We will explore and have access to True Teachers and what it means to be in Devotion to the Shakti, outside and inside. We will visit pivotal Temples to receive the Grace and Protection of the lineage and of the energies available in Kashi.

Here we will dive into the protective and benevolent energy of Kaal Bhairav, a fierce form of Shiva that wakes us to what needs to be burned off and transmuted in this holy city.

Staying in front of the Ghats, the ceremonial grounds near the River Ganga, to explore and partake of the potent experience and energy of transformation of the soul; a once in a lifetime opportunity!

Experiencing India, in it's authenticity & beauty

Rishikesh & the secret doorways to authentic wisdom of the Sages

Rishikesh, often called the "Yoga Capital of the World," is one of the holiest cities in India, located in the foothills of the Himalayas along the banks of the Ganges River.

It has long been a spiritual and cultural center, drawing millions of pilgrims, spiritual seekers, and yoga enthusiasts from around the world. The city's spiritual significance, rich history of sages, and unique atmosphere make it a powerful destination for those seeking peace, enlightenment, and self-transformation.

But few have the insider access that we will have, bypassing the noise of the western influence and being in close proximity with the true living Sages.

This will be a visit to Rishikesh like no other.

We will have the experience of stayin in an Ashram with full traditional activities, while having clean, humble & comfortable accommodations.

Your soul will thank you for the simplicity and the doors that will open through this compelling place.

What is not you, will fall away

A Guru that is compassionate & graces us with a path to what we desire in life

INTEGRATE in Retreat with Guru Sakalamaa

Guru Sakalamaa, affectionately known as Guruma is a lineage holder of true wisdom from the Himalayan Sages.

The central teaching that she imparts in on Sri Vidya; the merging of Consciousness and Life- Shiva & Shakti

Sri Vidya
is a highly revered and powerful tradition of Tantric spirituality in Hinduism that focuses on the worship of the Divine Feminine, Tripura Sundari, who represents the supreme goddess or Shakti. The term "Sri Vidya" literally means the "knowledge of Sri (the goddess)," with Sri being a synonym for the goddess Lakshmi, Tripura Sundari, or Parvati in her highest form.

In the west, we think Tantra is about sexuality, but Guruma will teach us that this ancient wisdom is actually about the process of using our creative energy to realize our desires.

At its core, Sri Vidya is a spiritual path that emphasizes the worship & realization of the Divine Feminine energy and the process to manifest through specific mantras, yantras, and rituals. The goal of Sri Vidya is to lead the practitioner to self-realization and ultimately, to union with the Divine, through the awakening of the Kundalini Shakti and the mastery of esoteric spiritual practices.

The opportunity to be in retreat and spend intimate time with Guruma is a true gift; she will teach secret practices and get to bask in the Grace of her essence. Should her grace allow, an opportunity of initiation will also be available for those who want to be a part of the lineage.

Sri Vidya is the most ancient, powerful and effective technology to manifest our desires.

You will walk away knowing the path & technology to manifest your desires

Highlights of this 13-day Spiritual Quest:
September 10-25, 2025

  •   Awaken & Deepen the Sacred Feminine
  • Teachings of the Himalayan Sages
  • The path to inner peace & Soul fulfillment  


Day 1 / Sept 10 : Arrival in Delhi, Opening Ceremony before dinner
Day 2 / Sept 11 :Travel to Varanasi/ Kashi & visit sacred Ganga River
Day 3-4/ Sept 12 - 13:  Temple visits

Day 5 / Sept 14: Travel to Rishikesh

Day 6-7 / Sept 15-16 : Yoga & Philosophy workshops with local teachers
Day 8-9/ Sept 17-18 : Ashram Stay with full day activities: yoga, sacred fire, philosophy, introspective time
Day 10 / Sept 19 : Travel to Tadeshwar- Retreat with Guruma
Day 11-13 / Sept 20-22 : Retreat with Guruma : Shiva & Tantra
Day 14 / Sept 23 : Travel to Rishikesh & Parmath Niketan Ashram stay

Closing circle September 23 before dinner
Day 15 / Sept 24: Travel to Delhi
Day 16/ Sept 25: Fly home

This Pilgrimage is designed so that each of us can have a personal & spiritual exploration and deepening in the embodiment and / or adoration of the Sacred Feminine aspects. One of the beautiful ways of exploring this is by experiencing the devotion in India to Shakti, the divine feminine energy in Hinduism.

We will be exploring this aspect of our own divinity through the study of  authentic Tantra (the technology to embody the Sacred Feminine & process to manifest our desires)  with our Guru Sakalamaa, a renowned Teacher & Author, where she will guide our group with teachings and preparation to key Shakti & Shiva Temples in Varanasi/ Kashi.

Some of the Temples we will visit (both in Varanasi & Dharamsala) are called Shakta Pithas. These are sacred shrines and pilgrimage sites dedicated to the worship of  the Goddes/ Shakti

These sites are particularly important in the Shakta tradition, where the Goddess is worshipped as the supreme deity and the source of all creation, destruction, and preservation. The concept of the Pithas is deeply rooted in Tantra and Shaktism, two traditions that focus on the worship of the Divine Feminine, often represented as Durga, Kali, or Parvati, among others.

The story of the Pithas is most commonly associated with the legend of Sati and Shiva. According to the story, Sati, the first wife of Lord Shiva, immolated herself in a fire after her father, Daksha, insulted her husband. When Lord Shiva was informed of Sati's death, he became enraged and performed the Tandava, a wild dance of destruction. As a result of his fury, the body of Sati was torn into pieces, which are mostly scattered across India. These places where Sati's body parts fell are believed to be the Shakti Pithas.

This feels incredibly supportive to our deepening with Tantra, the specific Shakta Pihas, and the support of the Vedic and Yogic teachings we will be lucky enough to receive.

what past participants have said about the India Pilgrimage...

Your Guides:

Asha & Michelle

Asha D Ramakrishna is the Bestselling Author of the Priestess Code: Awakening the Modern Woman & Your Soul Map: Liberation, Human Design and the BIPOC Experience.

Asha has been a Spiritual Guide since 2005.

The spaces and experiences that Asha cultivates make the person heal what is in the way of their personal & ancestral liberation. Asha believes in gentle, loving, yet direct coaching & mentorship based on ancestral organizing pricinples.

Asha is of Hindu descent. She lived her childhood and part of her adolescence in Venezuela and now lives in Harvard, MA (occupied territory of the Nipmuc Tribe).

She graduated in Molecular Biology and trained for 2 decades in Indian and Asian spiritual systems, such as Yoga, Karma Healing, Womb Healing, Vedic Astrology, Human Design and many others.

Asha is the founder of Sacred Commerce ®program & the Modern Priestess School, a virtual school devoted to supporting people learn the tools to assist humanity, including ceremonial practices, reconnection to their own mythic ancestral lineage, wealth building and sustainable models for positive impact in the world.

Michelle Badillo is a Venezuelan journalist with a long career (25 years) in the media of her native country, (Venezuela), graduated from the Andres Bello Catholic University.

In 2014 Michelle and her family decided to settle in the City of Miami in search of a new destination and new challenges, and it is in Florida (USA) where she decided to turn her life around and head towards the path of emotional and physical well-being. due to his various Personal, work and Health situations that produced a breaking point and an awakening in his life.

She is like that when she decides to become certified as a Holistic Health Coach in NY (@nutritionschool 2017).

Given her love for the practice of Yoga, Michelle decides to become certified as a Vinyasa Yoga 200 RYT Instructor, then, her great passion: Kundalini Yoga 200 RYT, both accreditations endorsed by Yoga Alliance, the most well-known Yoga organization worldwide.
Likewise, Michelle discovered a form of Healing in Sound, which is why she achieved her training with quartz bowls and her Certification in Meditation, from the Be Generation Love School (under the teachings of Deepak Chopra).

Our mission is to help you achieve the Four Purusharthas (Hindu principles):

Dharma- Divine Purpose
Aartha - Financial Prosperity
Kama - Deep Pleasure
Moksha - Presence & Liberation

why travel with us:

This India Pilgrimage is for you if:

  • You want to deepen your spiritual path and also honor your material desires
  • You want to learn but also laugh
  • You believe that you are here to enjoy, prosper and also be in deep connection to the Divine (whatever form that is for you!)
  • You want deep, honest & fun Sisterhood/ Community
  • You are ready to manifest your heart & soul's desire (hint- Sri Vidya/ Tantra has the answers!)
  • You want a high level of spiritual sophistication and can also be flexible with simple, comfortable and clean accommodations
  • You desire to have a spiritual home in a trusted Guru (no commitment, of course)

We are not your typical yogis (yoginis)! We are both in devotion to our spiritual practices, but also live prosperous lives in the U.S. We have life partners, children and businesses.

In our own unique ways, we have each found a way to balance the spiritual & the material.

We do not believe that modern women need to give up the experience on this beautiful earth to be connected to their soul or to divinity.

We believe that in order to make a positive impact in society, spiritual seekers cannot ignore their financial abundance.

Part of what India teaches us is that the divine lives in all the forms: the devotee, the student and the luxurious Goddess.

 We are not only a model of grounded Sisterhood and partnership, we are also excited to bring teachings that assist women and men to be spiritually and materially abundant.

What we have found that people most receive from our work together is an activation towards a more authentic and sweet life. When the soul gets to live through our every cell, life responds with blessings.

    We are dedicated to building a community of people who want to honor, respect, and adore both soul and deeply believe in wealth

    Part of the proceeds will be donated to an organization that houses, educates and supports girls

    We believe that is vital to travel, learn, enjoy ourselves and also leave each place that blesses us with our good energy and all the ways we are able to contribute in the way our hosts prefer
    Double Room


    per person
    Pay In Full
    We take the time to select aligned roommates
    Double Room


    per person
    9-Month Payment Plan
    We take the time to select aligned roommates
    Single Room


    per person
    Pay In Full
    Single Room


    per person
    9-Month Payment Plan
    Arrival date: September 10
    Departure date: September 25

    This trip includes:
    • Hotels (3 & 4 Star)
    • All Ceremonies & Rituals
    • 2 Meals per day (dinner on your own)
    • Domestic transportation within India
    • Yoga Classes
    • All rituals and ceremony
    • Entrance to Temples
    • tips to staff

    Does NOT Include:
    • International flight to India
    • transportation to/from airport ($75 total)
    • additional meals
    • additional drinks
    • shopping
    • massages & consultations
    • Visa into India

    Please secure travel insurance and health travel insurance; This is mandatory for all participants.